Editorial Team

Founding editors

George Andrews, Pennsylvania State University: Modular forms, partitions, special functions. 

Eric Friedlander, USC: Modular representation theory, homotopy theory, algebraic geometry.

Rob Kirby, University of California, Berkeley: Topology.  


Rob Kirby, University of California, Berkeley: Topology.   

Production Editor

Alex Kontorovich, Rutgers University

Editorial Board

Connes, Alain, IHES: Operator algebras and noncommutative geometry.

Deift, Percy, New York University: Riemann Hilbert problems and random matrix theory.

Donaldson, Simon, Imperial College: Differential geometry.

Eliashberg, Yakov, Stanford University:  Symplectic geometry and topology.

Goresky, Mark, IAS: Combinatorics, singularities, representation theory,

Kenig, Carlos, University of Chicago:  Analysis and partial differential equations.

Kenyon, Richard, Yale University:  Probability, Stat Mech, Discrete Geometry.

Osher, Stanley, University of California, Los Angeles: Applied mathematics.

Praeger, Cheryl, University of Western Australia: Group theory and algebraic combinatorics.

Ramanan, Kavita, Brown University: Probability theory and stochastic processes.

Reshetikhin, Nicolai, Tsinghua University: Integrable systems, representation theory, quantum field theory, mathematical physics.

Slaman, Theodore, University of California, Berkeley: Mathematical Logic.

Tataru, Daniel, University of California, Berkeley: Linear and nonlinear partial differential equations.

Terracini, Susanna,  University of Turin: Hamiltonian Systems and Celestial Mechanics, Geometric PDEs and free boundary problems, nonlinear analysis.

Uhlman, Gunther, University of Washington: Inverse problems, microlocal analysis, partial differential equations, scattering theory and mathematical physics.

Viana, Marcelo, IMPA: Dynamics and ergodic theory.

Weinberger, Shmuel, University of Chicago: Topology/geometry.

Vigneras, Marie-France, Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu: Representation theory, number theory, automorphic forms. 

Young, Lai-Sang, New York University: Dynamical systems and applications, computational biology.